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HL7 Connectathon - 4 Vulcan tracks

HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Connectathons feature hands-on FHIR development and testing. Implementers and developers come together to hold technical discussions that advance the FHIR specification, develop FHIR-based solutions, and exchange data with other FHIR interfaces. Connectathons are a great opportunity to work directly with FHIR developers and senior members of the FHIR standards development team.

Please note: The purpose of a Connectathon event is to engage in testing of the FHIR specification and implementations. While the FHIR Community thrives on perpetual learning, this environment demands preparation to participate in technical discussions, code review, and testing of a reference implementation or your own FHIR-based system. It is expected that by registering for this event you have adequately prepared by reviewing the FHIR specification and any artifacts specified on the track page, attended all participant information sessions, and established a connection with your track through the Track Kick Off or other work sessions.

  • The Phenomics Exchange for Research and Diagnostics implementation guide defines FHIR-profiles for the exchange of structured phenotypic data. The clinical/phenotypic profile of a patient can be essential in the context of rare disease diagnostics and genomic analyses to improve interpretation of results. 


  • Proposed implementation of the Protocol Schedule of Activities (SoA) using FHIR Resources based on the Vulcan SoA IG (with a refocus to use Questionnaire resources)


  • Transfer of a clinical trial protocol from sponsor to regulator according to the development being done by ICH M11/M2CDISC and TransCelerate.  This second iteration will look to refine the document centric approach used in the first iteration by structuring selected portions of the document to make them more machine processable. 


  • The aim of this track, is to test the creation, exchange and display of electronic Product information (ePI) in connection to ISO IDMP.


21 August

VIB Information Session

4 October

CodeX Community of Practice (CoP) Monthly Meeting