Events listed in chronological order
Times shown are Eastern TIme Zone. Go to the individual entries for other times.

UDP Webinar 4
Join us to learn about Vulcan’s Utilizing the Digital Protocol (UDP) webinar series, an umbrella project accelerating ICH M11 and end-user value. The protocol agreed upon between the sponsor and regulator governs all aspects of a clinical trial. ICH M11/M2, CDISC, and TransCelerate are working toward a digital form of the protocol. Vulcan UDP is bringing those components together into an FHIR-based exchange to ensure the protocol's interoperability across stakeholders.

ePI on FHIR: Event organised by GravitateHealth
ePI on FHIR: Shaping the Future of Global Healthcare – Join Our Virtual Event!
Gravitate Health is excited to announce an upcoming virtual event, “ePI is on FHIR Around the Globe,” co-hosted with the Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC). This event, scheduled for 21st October 2024, will bring together global stakeholders to discuss the adoption of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) for electronic Product Information (ePI) and its impact across the healthcare and regulatory sectors.

UDP Webinar 3
Join us for the third webinar of the series to learn more about the UDP project

CodeX Community of Practice (CoP) Monthly Meeting
JOIN US on October 4th, 12-1 PM ET, as we welcome Amanda J. Borens, a data science leader with 25+ years’ experience across public and private sectors, including academia, healthcare, and biotech.
“In my eighth year of cancer treatments, and with 25+ years of data science work behind me, I look at the analysis of real-world data differently than I once did. I will talk about the lens that helps me to identify the data challenges we sometimes overlook, and the ones that get too much of our energy. I will also talk about the ways that data standards can help, and the need for synergistic efforts around cultural practices.”

HL7 Connectathon - 4 Vulcan tracks
HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Connectathons feature hands-on FHIR development and testing. Implementers and developers come together to hold technical discussions that advance the FHIR specification, develop FHIR-based solutions, and exchange data with other FHIR interfaces. Connectathons are a great opportunity to work directly with FHIR developers and senior members of the FHIR standards development team.

VIB Information Session
Vulcan, in coordination with the US Office of the National Coordinator (ASTP/ONC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), invites you to an informational webinar for the Vulcan Interoperability Bridge event (VIB).
This webinar is designed to share information on how we will convene clinical research sponsors, including pharmaceutical companies and academic medical centers, EHR providers, clinical research sites and technology solutions providers to work together to demonstrate what is achievable with HL7 FHIR.
Register for the August 21st webinar to
Learn how you can be involved in the VIB development process and answer the call for participation,
Hear from VIB event organizers and collaborators about the importance of attending the VIB demonstration planned for February 2025.

UDP Webinar 2
An overview of the ICH M11 Digital Protocol Template, the impact this will have and related work from CDISC and TransCelerate and guidance on implementing this through HL7 FHIR

Phenotypic Data Exchange for Genomics and Rare Diseases
Phenotypic Data Exchange for Genomics and Rare Diseases
A Vulcan HL7 FHIR ® Accelerator Roundtable
Phenotype data is separately coded outside the EHR, delaying diagnostics and decreasing diagnostic rates. We are bringing together a group of stakeholders to discuss phenotypic-based use cases and interoperability challenges between different environments including research and clinical care. This session is intended for clinicians and researchers where detailed, computable, and individual-level phenotypic data is a core part of their use cases.
- Discuss use cases, challenges, and needs for phenotypic information interoperability.
- Explore existing approaches for the creation, extraction, and interoperability of computable phenotypic information between clinical, diagnostic, and research environments. Examples include the GA4GH Phenopackets standard and a developing FHIR-based approach.
- Facilitate collaboration between the different groups and projects aiming to address the needs of our community.
10 am EST
•10:00 – Melissa Haendel – Introduction – Why we need FHIR to support Phenotypic exchange
•10:05 – Valerie Schuhl – Vulcan HL7 FHIR Accelerator introduction
•10:15 – Shahim Essaid & Adam Graefe – Vulcan Phenomics Exchange for Research and Diagnostics Project
•10:40 – Vinnie Ustach & Stephen McGee – Phenotyping Patterns at GeneDx and strategies for understanding and leveraging our data
•11:00 – Mike Plesh – Preparing for Vulcan – Thoughtful deliberation from an aspirational healthcare organization
•11:20 – Break / Open Discussion
•11:40 – Tim Hubbard – Scaling genomic health at Genomics England and beyond
•12:00 – Cornelius Boerkoel – Parsing phenotypic features from the EHR for prioritizing genomic variation and the practice genomic medicine
•12:20 – Srikar Chamala – Enhancing Precision Medicine Delivery with FHIR Phenomics-to-Genomics Standards in Clinical Testing
•12:40 – Closing
1 pm end

UDP Webinar 1
Utilising the Digital Protocol - an HL7Vulcan project
This webinar, the first in a series, will introduce the projects, the players and the timelines.
The agenda for the first Vulcan UDP webinar is now available, key topics are:
•Who is involved?
•The CDISC USDM model
•Where does FHIR fit in all this?
•The role of Vulcan
•Overall development timeline.